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Audible: The Ultimate Solution for Busy Readers

If you’re a book lover like me, then you probably know the struggle: the stack of books on your nightstand seems to grow, but finding time to sit down with them can feel impossible. Between work, family, and daily to-dos, the hours slip away—and suddenly, you realize it’s been months since you ... READ the POST

Daylight Savings Time Really Sucks

Ah, Daylight Savings Time is tonight. YES, tonight is the night. Are you ready? Let me remind all of my beautiful people who read my blog...Twice a year here in the United States (minus Arizona & Hawaii), we all lose a scrap of our sanity, because someone, somewhere, decided our clocks needed ... READ the POST

Am I voting this year? Religion & Politics

Am I voting this year? Probably. But as a 44-year-old black woman reflecting on the question of if religion should mix with US politics, I have varied feelings. Growing up, I was taught that our country values freedom of religion, a principle that resonates deeply with me, being a Christian. For ... READ the POST

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