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Chicken Caccitore – I Tried It

Hello again! Well, I have to tell you all about something that I have come up with doing for the time being. I don't really "cook" a lot at home, other than easy stuff, or quick stuff, or normal stuff. So, dinnertime is getting quite redundant and boring for lack of any better words. But I ... READ the POST

Dealing With Death

This topic is not an easy one to write about - but it is needed... Death. It's inevitable. We can't run from it, hide or escape it. Sooner or later we will have to deal with it - whether it be with someone that we know, someone that we love, or when realizing we are facing our own ... READ the POST

When your an Introvert AND Christian

For anyone out there that I have never met, you might think just from me having a blog alone that I probably am quite outgoing all the time; that I have tons of friends and acquaintances; and that I possibly spend my weekends chatting it up with various people at blogging meet ups or when traveling ... READ the POST

Coronavirus: Latest Updates

Hi everyone, I am going to pin this post for the time being, since news is updating quite rapidly regarding the Coronavirus and it's spreading across the United States as well as other parts of the world. I will also try to update this whenever I stumble across something interesting enough for ... READ the POST

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