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Coronavirus: Latest Updates

This media comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s Public Health Image Library (PHIL), with identification number #23312.

Hi everyone,

I am going to pin this post for the time being, since news is updating quite rapidly regarding the Coronavirus and it’s spreading across the United States as well as other parts of the world. I will also try to update this whenever I stumble across something interesting enough for me to want to add. So, just in case you’ve been sleeping under a rock lately, according to WHO – the World Health Organization – the Coronavirus, which seems to have originated in Wuhan, China back in December of 2019 has now quickly spread all across the globe, infecting over 155k of the world population with 5k and rising succumbing from it.

So, what is the Coronavirus exactly? The Coronavirus is a type of virus that has actually been around for a long time – but a newly identified type named COVID-19 is the one that currently has everyone on edge at the moment. It’s symptoms include a cough, shortness of breath and a fever. Mild cases can mimic the flu while the worst cases can cause lung and kidney failure, and even death. There currently is no definitive cure nor any vaccine, so it can be very dangerous if someone with a compromised immune system, especially the elderly – were to catch it.

Here’s some of the latest updates on the Coronavirus as of 4/7/2020:

New York Reports Largest single day increase in Deaths; over 700 – click here

President Donald Trump removes top Pentagon official leading the committee tasked with overseeing implementation of the $2 trillion coronavirus law, putting his own pick in place – click here

President Trump got upset with reporters when asked about a report by HHS Inspector General Christi Grimm, who Trump appointed. –click here

Uplifting Images during the pandemic- click here

Most States have stay at home orders in place – click here

Here’s some of the latest updates on the Coronavirus as of 4/1/2020:

Covid-19 cases top 930,000 globally – click here

Captain of aircraft carrier begged Navy for help as 93 sailors test positive for COVID-19

Rent is due and many struggle to pay – click here

Trump says he can’t confirm Beijing government’s coronavirus numbers amid claims of underreporting

Here’s some of the latest updates on the Coronavirus as of 3/14/2020:

Trump declares a national emergency for the nation –click here, after just weeks before, saying the Coronavirus was a HOAX – click here

WHO declares COVID-19 a global pandemic with Europe being the “Epicenter”- click here

Daily Updated Map detailing the spread of the Coronavirus – click here

Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin shut down school systems – click here

Stores find Tolietries, Cleaning supplies, Diapers and food are going out of stock – click here

I have to admit, I have never really seen anything like this before in my 39 years of living, have you? Are you doing anything to protect your home and family from the COVID-19? Has anything about your routine changed at all? I’d love to hear from you so feel free to leave a comment!


  1. Even though this post was published a couple of weeks ago, it is amazing how things can escalate so quick. Hopefully things will improve somehow. We all have a role in this. I am pretty much working from home and staying in all the time besides my weekly grocery trips. Stay safe!

    Nancy ♥

    • I’m doing the same, Nancy! I don’t even care for going grocery shopping during all of this, but it’s got to get done! You stay safe too 🙂

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