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Dealing With Death

This topic is not an easy one to write about – but it is needed…

Death. It’s inevitable. We can’t run from it, hide or escape it. Sooner or later we will have to deal with it – whether it be with someone that we know, someone that we love, or when realizing we are facing our own demise.

These times that we are currently in dealing with COVID-19, have certainly made some of us realize more how absolutely fragile life is. Tragic accidents like Kobe Bryant’s death have done the same. Actually, anytime we hear of someone dying- especially unexpectedly, we can tend to put our own lives in perspective because life is just so, so short.

How we deal with handling death is important for our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Here I have come up with five things we can do that might help us navigate through the grieve and the loss of our loved ones, or even strangers who’s stories have touched our hearts.

  1. Forgive others now. Drop all unresolved conflict. Work to mend broken relationships.. ask for forgiveness when your wrong and open yourselves to truly forgiving when asked.
  2. Make your life right with God right now. Ever heard of that song Tomorrow by The Winans? We’ll they were right. Tomorrow is not promised for any of us and so what better time is there to give your life, start serving and being faithful to God then today… right now? I’ll wait.
  3. Comfort people with the love you would want for yourself. When others hearts are broken, how can you best minister to their needs? Whether it be bringing food, calling to check on their welfare, or just being present to give a hug or lending a shoulder for them to cry on, being a comfort to others can help mend broken hearts, including your own.
  4. Give people their flowers while they are alive. Ever heard of that saying? Well, to put it more bluntly, show people appreciation while they are alive and can hear it, rather than at their funeral after they are gone. So many people don’t get the chance to say their last goodbyes to those they love, or to tell them how important they really are in their lives for many different reasons. Don’t wait until its too late. Today and every day, tell people what they mean to you.
  5. Lastly but not least, when trouble comes, run to God and not away from Him! Lean into him for comfort, for love, for peace. Satan uses things like death as opportunities for you to slip and fall away from your faith. The story of Job is the perfect example of leaning into God when trouble comes your way.

What do you think of my list? Is there anything that you would add to it, or take away from it? What has gotten you through hard times such as a death of a loved one? I’d love to hear from you, like always. I respond to everyone.

Thanks for reading and until next time, xo

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