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When your an Introvert AND Christian

For anyone out there that I have never met, you might think just from me having a blog alone that I probably am quite outgoing all the time; that I have tons of friends and acquaintances; and that I possibly spend my weekends chatting it up with various people at blogging meet ups or when traveling to one too many business-related conferences.

That in reality, is sooo far from the truth. Although I do think I can be quite spontaneous at times (I mean, I jumped out of a plane before, goshnabbit), most of the time I am in my element when I’m all by myself, because when I’m by myself, I can truly BE MYSELF. I’m perfectly happy in a t-shirt and jeans, feeding my face with my absolute favorite comfort foods while effortlessly scrolling twitter or reading the latest online book recommendation.

Because I am some what of an empath and people’s emotions tend to get to me A LOT, I also tend to try to protect my personal space for my own well being. Not only that, I want to keep my personal life private, so although you may see pictures of me online or with someone close with me here or there, you will never see everything.

So, if you ever run into people like me that are Christian, here are just a few things you might appreciate knowing:

People drain us, that includes you. I’m usually pooped within a few hours time. It’s nice to be around other people, but the constant interaction tires me out.

We don’t like a lot of attention. I just don’t like a lot of recognition. Leave my name out of the bulletin, don’t announce my birthday, and please don’t give me any praise.

Don’t try to force us to stand up and talk. I’m so comfortable just observing. It takes time for a person like me to think of what to say, how to say it, and how to deliver it when asked to stand up to speak. Literally, I have to prepare myself. Please don’t put us on the spot with the microphone.

We might love to sing but don’t want to be in the front. I love to sing praises, I just don’t want to be the focus for others. I know this because I sometimes focus on the choir when they sing, lol.

If we are quiet during conversations, don’t take it as an offense. We are good listeners, and prefer to be that.

If we are super talkative to others but not you, don’t take it as an offense. We just might be more comfortable talking to one particular person than another. There is nothing wrong with that.

When you see us struggling, just being there for us is enough. A hug and a word of encouragement can go a long way. We know that you care when you are there for us.

We as introverts like to congregate together but rarely do because we are too shy… duh! Extroverts just won’t understand.

We observe a lot in the church. We might hear a lot of things about a lot of people because of our great listening and observation skills, but we will always keep it to ourselves.

We are awkward in the BEST way. You will find this out if you try to get to know us. If we feel comfortable around you, you will start to see the fun, and super silly side to us! Those goofy laughs, the quirks, and finally opening up to truly being ourselves when we talk to you. Don’t put us on the spot when it finally happens, just enjoy us for who we are and enjoy the moments right beside us.

That’s when the greatest memories start to be made.

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