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Gratitude & Blessings- Here are 50 things that we can all be grateful for today

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Not too long ago (just a couple of hours ago, actually) I was lying in bed discouraged, just in a funky kind of mood. Things haven’t been going the best for me these days, and I often tend to dwell on my mishaps and “bad luck” more often than I would like to admit. So, I thought about sharing some things that we can all focus on when we get down. Everything on this list may not gravitate to you; you may actually have issues and are dealing with some of these topics right now! BUT I can almost guarantee that there is something on this list that you will be able to reflect on and smile… there is something on this list that you are certainly grateful for. There is something on this list that we can all thank God for getting us through or supplying us with. No matter how small a blessing may be, I hope that you can sit back and just realize that there is some good in your life despite the bad that may also be going on. Pray to God about your fears, worries, and struggles, because He hears you, He loves you, and HE will see you though.

1. Life and health.
2. Family and friends.
3. A safe place to live.
4. Access to clean water.
5. Nutritious food.
6. Education and learning opportunities.
7. Love and relationships.
8. Nature and its beauty.
9. Freedom and safety.
10. The ability to work and earn a living.
11. Music and art.
12. Modern medicine and healthcare.
13. Technology and communication tools.
14. Wisdom and guidance.
15. Laughter and joy.
16. A sense of purpose and direction.
17. Kindness and compassion from others.
18. Personal growth and self-improvement.
19. Supportive communities and networks.
20. Good weather and natural resources.
21. Comfort and peace.
22. Opportunities to travel and explore.
23. Books and knowledge.
24. Moments of rest and relaxation.
25. Pets and animals.
26. Talents and abilities.
27. New experiences and adventures.
28. Second chances and forgiveness.
29. Spiritual growth and faith.
30. Positive memories.
31. The ability to make a difference.
32. Creativity and inspiration.
33. The beauty of sunsets and sunrises.
34. The ability to feel and express emotions.
35. Good news and achievements.
36. The lessons learned from challenges.
37. The miracle of life and birth.
38. Diversity and cultural richness.
39. The comfort of home.
40. Clean air to breathe.
41. Access to transportation.
42. Acts of kindness from strangers.
43. The gift of imagination.
44. The power of prayer and meditation.
45. Modern conveniences and amenities.
46. Safety and protection.
47. The opportunity to help others.
48. Personal milestones and accomplishments.
49. The wonder of the universe.
50. The gift of Today.

And here are a few encouraging verses that also may interest you. I hope it also encourages you to read more of the Bible as well!

PSALMS 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

1PETER 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

PHILLIPPIANS 4:6 & 7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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