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Motivational Message for the weekend: The Power of Kindness

Personal photo from a local Toledo Metropark.

People and their moods.  For various reasons, all of us in our lives will eventually run across someone with a bad one.  We all get upset with each other from time to time.  Sometimes the reasons are trivial, and sometimes the reason seems so bad there is no room for reconciliation.  I have always lived with the thoughts of no one is perfect, and so I try to forgive everyone for anything they’ve done to me… no lie.  Now, this doesn’t mean we have to be the best of friends, but it’s just that I don’t want to live life with hate inside my heart.  It’s not a healthy or good thing and you shouldn’t want to live that way either.  Being a positive, forgiving person who greets negativity with kindness will take you far in life and you will be the better person.

Much too often we all underestimate what kindness can do to touch another person’s life. The gesture of a simple smile, hug or kiss… the sharing of kind words, stopping to listen when someone needs a confidant, any kind of compliment, or the lending of your time for anything at all will almost always have a positive impact on a person. Even for people who seem to want nothing to do with you, if you extend kindness in reaction to their negativity they may not understand it, but you are the better person for moving on from dead issues while they still choose to keep them alive, embracing hate, belittlement and grudges.

Indeed kindness is underestimated.  All of us definitely need it in our lives.  We need to receive kindness, give kindness, and live kind lives in order to make the best of it.   We all need nonjudgmentalness and a feeling of acceptance no matter who we are.  That will do no less than boost our self-esteem sky high towards an easier path of success and happiness in all we want to do.

A simple act of kindness can surely change someone’s life literally.  People dealing with depression have changed their mind about ending their lives through simple conversations, and others have picked themselves up to become the best they can be after words of encouragement from a pastor, stranger, or friend.  I ask that you sit back and think of what someone’s kindness has done for you.

This is my simple and short motivational message for the weekend. Do not kill, but instead, lift someone up spirits up with kindness. Greet your enemies and naysayers with a beautiful smile. You are better than what they want you to become. Think the best of yourself and of others. Forgive but do not forget- there is a difference, and make the best out of the worst of situations. Never be unkind to yourself. Accept things you cannot change and don’t put yourself or others down when you fail. Always be ready for reconciliation and be open to the opportunity – nothing is promised besides death and eternity. Do these things and you will have a better day no matter what happens, no doubt.

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